Yahoo Crawled Date Checker Tool Steam Coal from Kalimantan, Indonesia: Coal Kalimantan Mine

Coal Kalimantan Mine

Just Brief Info,

Towards several location, I 've survey of coal in Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Sumatra and Java, go to a village on one side in the interior of East or South Kalimantan several area, enter the aquatic mammal area. Capturing coal surveying the other of the wealth and natural beauty of the archipelago, Indonesia.

Coal Mining Operation Site. 

In the future, Indonesia coal production is expected is to increase, not only meet domestic demand, but also to satisfy foreign demand exports This is because Indonesia's coal resources are still abundant, on the other hand, fuel prices remain high, industry demand for this fuel oil to switch to using coal.

The existence of a new power plant development plans in and outside java with a total capacity 10,000 mw, increasing the production of cement each year, and growing development of other industries such as paper industry (pulp) and textile industry is an indication of domestic demand will increase.

 New Crusher 500 tons/hr. Beginning Loading to the Barge.

Similarly, coal demand from importing countries resulting in production will increase as well. Related to this, the government issued a nation energy policy through PP no.5 of 2006 as a renewal of the public policy sector of energy (KUBE) in 1998. KEN has the main objective to create a national energy supply security in a sustainable and efficient energy utilization, and realization of energy mix is optimal in the year 2025. For that dependence on one type of energy sources such as fuel should be reduced by unitizing alternative energy sources including coal. Here Underground Mine.

After loading and clearance 8000 tons, Barge Departure to Mother Vessel.

To support the achievement of nation energy mix the proclaimed government. One of which is to conduct a nation study of coal to determine the condition of resources, exploitation and utilization of coal, as well as the problem, which can be used to make the necessary steps. And to support the study of the need to first build a national data base of coal from the data collecting good secondary and primary. Indonesia Domestic Market, Metallurgy Industry and Other Industries. The development of metallurgical coal demand by the industry fluctuate, but there is an increasing trend in line with the conditions of production companies that experience spotty. Year 2000 was 300.507 thousand tons, an increase of up to 500.702 thousand tons in 2002, but then decreases to 112.827 thousand tons in 2005. In addition to the metallurgical industry, there are many other industries that use coal as fuel in support of the production process, including the food industry, chemicals, metal casting, rubber tires, and others. In the Province of Banten and West Java, there are 25 companies that have used coal with total demand estimated at 600,108 tonnes for 2005.

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Current world coal demand was rising very fast, among others, triggered by a boom in prices and the increasing number of overseas power plant that uses coal fuel, as well as China's export values closed. This is the deliver of Indonesia as a supplier (exporter), the largest at this year rival Australia and South Africa. Indonesian coal exports in 1990 only amounted to 9.268 million tons, while in 2006 totalled 206.707 million tons. This means the average export volume rose by 20.00%. Company PKP2B holder is the largest coal exporter, which is about 95% of the number of Indonesia' s coal exports, followed by the holder of SOEs amounted to 3.12% and 2.12% of KP.